Friday, December 13, 2013


I'm looking at some kala ukulele at Musician's Friend. My cousin is starting to get into playing ukulele so maybe he would appreciate getting his own this christmas. Well I just hope it's not just a fad for him and really would get serious in playing it so it wouldn't go to waste in case we really do decide to get him one for christmas. I hope he learns new songs he can play for us during our next family get together.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

cozy on cold nights

It's been a bit rainy the past few weeks. I love cold nights since it helps me sleep better. Although sometimes it gets too cold that it makes you crave for heated mattress pads. That would surely ensure a good night sleep on a very cold night. It would be nice to snuggle up with your husband on a rainy night. Oh well. Rainy nights make me think of warm chocolate and snuggling up with my sweetie.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

put out those umbrellas

It's been raining for quite a few weeks in a row already. I hope we can see the sun shining more prominently again. Well, if your company has those promotional umbrellas, you would have gotten so much marketing mileage since those umbrellas would certainly been have well used due to the torrential rain. It just sucks that those heavy rain has caused so much flooding around and unfortunately a lot of people had to evacuate their flooded homes