Friday, July 24, 2009

eye bags

I’ve been an insomniac for the longest time. Now that I’m back to an 8-5 work shift, I’m really having a hard time adjusting my sleeping schedule. I still get to sleep late but now needs to wake up very early. It sucks though, but it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make just so we’ll have enough money to pay for the wedding. I just really hope I wouldn’t have too much eye bags by that time. I might probably need to find the best eye cream as early as now. Anyway, I’m just waiting for January. After the wedding, I will finally achieve my dream of being a full time housewife! Hahaha!

Monday, July 20, 2009

try and try

We still got a couple of months before our next weigh in for the biggest loser challenge my friends and I are having. I know it’s so much tempting to just use one of those cheap diet pills but somehow I really want to change my lifestyle into a healthier one. Well, it’s just a bit hard and I don’t think I’m making significant progress. Sometimes I’d be such a good health-conscious person then I would sometimes trip and end up indulging once again. Oh well. I’ll just keep on trying until I get good at this.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

new car

My aunt is planning to buy a car pretty soon. Part would probably be shouldered by the company she works in. In the first place, she’s in the sales department. She really needs a car to go around when doing business. I know she gets a big commission so she probably won’t be having a hard time paying it off. It’s been long overdue so I hope she gets to have her car pretty soon.

I know she drives pretty well already. I just don’t know if she knows all the other stuff about cars – like changing a flat tire and all those maintenance stuff she needs to keep in mind, and not to forget, getting a car insurance. She’s a bit prone to accidents so getting a car insurance is really a must for her. She actually used to drive a motorcycle so I guess driving a car for her would be so much easier and safer as well.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

collecting coins

It would be great to be able to find a rare coin out of nowhere. If you really get lucky, it may actually cost a fortune! I wonder how much those rare coins costs? I know some really collect that stuff and consider them as investments. Of course, as the years go by, their value appreciates. I know someone in the family collects coins, I just can’t remember if it was my grandfather. Oh well. If you are one of those who are into collecting rare coins and looking for information about it, I suggest that you visit I hope you find all the information you are looking for in that site.

Monday, July 13, 2009


Have you tried out Apidexin? It’s one of those diet pills that claim to be effective. I have been reading some of those diet pills review but I have yet to find one which is really in the bag! Of course I want one which is all natural, no adverse side effects, and is inexpensive enough to take regularly. I have a couple of months to go before the wedding. I hope to lose a couple more pounds at least since I know it’s impossible to reach my ideal weight by then.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Shocks, I haven't been true to my supposed resolution to update this blog more often. *sigh* lately, there's been too much to do with so little time. Here's the summary of what I've been up to this past few days/weeks

*July 1 - started working again for UP Engineering Research and Development Foundation Inc at UP NEC. Our project is all about the basic education resources in the Philippines. (i'll try to blog more about this soon) Anyway, this means having an 8-5 job again (after more than 2 years!) so I need to adjust again to having a regular schedule and waking up early. Buti na lang it's just in UP so it's relatively near our house.

*July 4 - had my engagement ring resized (looking forward to getting it soon - i miss it already! hehe!)

*July 11 - Sean's 1st Birthday

*July 12 - went to lamesa ecopark with fiance for some pictorial. It was just the two of us and just made use of a tripod for taking pictures together.

*I've also been tutoring a pisay student every M,W,Th to earn extra money

*I'm still doing some paid blogging stuff

*We've also been busy with the wedding planning...we've done a lot na actually (will post more on this soon - i have yet to make a separate blog about this)

Anyway, with the regular day job I have plus other rackets on the side and all the wedding planning we've been doing, it's been pretty tiring. I hope I get to adjust soon. I don't get to rest much on weekends as well since that's the only time my sweetie is home (he's in Laguna during weekdays for work). Weekends are usually for wedding stuff preps that we need to do - either going to wedding expos or meeting up with some suppliers, etc...


Shocks, I haven't been true to my supposed resolution to update this blog more often. *sigh* lately, there's been to much to do with so little time. Here's the summary of what I've been up to this past few days/weeks

*July 1 - started working again for UP Engineering Research and Development Foundation Inc at UP NEC. Our project is all about the basic education resources in the Philippines. (i'll try to blog more about this soon) Anyway, this means having an 8-5 job again (after more than 2 years!) so I need to adjust again to having a regular schedule and waking up early. Buti na lang it's just in UP so it's relatively near our house.

*July 11 - Sean's 1st Birthday

*July 12 - went to lamesa ecopark with fiance for some pictorial. It was just the two of us and just made use of a tripod for taking pictures together.

*I've also been tutoring a pisay student every M,W,Th to earn extra money

*I'm still doing some paid blogging stuff

*We've also been busy with the wedding planning...we've done a lot na actually (will post more on this soon - i have yet to make a separate blog about this)

Anyway, with the regular day job I have plus other rackets on the side and all the wedding planning we've been doing, it's been pretty tiring. I hope I get to adjust soon. I don't get to rest much on weekends as well since that's the only time my sweetie is home (he's in Laguna during weekdays for work). Weekends are usually for wedding stuff preps that we need to do - either going to wedding expos or meeting up with some suppliers, etc...

Friday, July 3, 2009

starting from scratch

My sweetie is renting a place in Laguna already but we are certainly going to look for another one when we’re married. The place he has now isn’t entirely nice to live at. He actually rarely sleeps there and just uses it when he has to take a bath. It’s actually more of a locker room for him. Even if he has a bed there, he prefers sleeping in their office resting room where it’s more comfortable. Anyway, I’ excited to find a place for us. I don’t mind starting from scratch in furnishing and decorating the house. I’m actually excited in picking whether to get a Danze faucet or some other brand or determining what type of light fixtures to install. Well, I’m really just hoping that we would have enough budget to do all those.