Sunday, July 12, 2009


Shocks, I haven't been true to my supposed resolution to update this blog more often. *sigh* lately, there's been too much to do with so little time. Here's the summary of what I've been up to this past few days/weeks

*July 1 - started working again for UP Engineering Research and Development Foundation Inc at UP NEC. Our project is all about the basic education resources in the Philippines. (i'll try to blog more about this soon) Anyway, this means having an 8-5 job again (after more than 2 years!) so I need to adjust again to having a regular schedule and waking up early. Buti na lang it's just in UP so it's relatively near our house.

*July 4 - had my engagement ring resized (looking forward to getting it soon - i miss it already! hehe!)

*July 11 - Sean's 1st Birthday

*July 12 - went to lamesa ecopark with fiance for some pictorial. It was just the two of us and just made use of a tripod for taking pictures together.

*I've also been tutoring a pisay student every M,W,Th to earn extra money

*I'm still doing some paid blogging stuff

*We've also been busy with the wedding planning...we've done a lot na actually (will post more on this soon - i have yet to make a separate blog about this)

Anyway, with the regular day job I have plus other rackets on the side and all the wedding planning we've been doing, it's been pretty tiring. I hope I get to adjust soon. I don't get to rest much on weekends as well since that's the only time my sweetie is home (he's in Laguna during weekdays for work). Weekends are usually for wedding stuff preps that we need to do - either going to wedding expos or meeting up with some suppliers, etc...

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