Thursday, June 19, 2008

easy for doctors

Are you a doctor? Is it hard becoming a doctor? It seems like you have to memorize millions of stuff to become one. That’s probably the reason why I did not pursue medicine anymore. I hate memorizing. I would rather do math and all those calculations rather than memorize stuff. What if a doctor forgets about something? Does he bring out his medical books infront of his patients? That would be a weird scenario. You would not probably go back to a doctor who does that. Well, I guess doctors are now more very fortunate and somehow gives them a bit of slack by having those free medical windows mobile software that they can upload in their PDA and make use of for medical reference. That really helps out a lot I think. I cannot imagine being able to memorize a lot of that stuff. I guess having these technology available would help them become better doctors.

This announcement was paid for by Epocrates

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