Friday, October 31, 2008

Birthday thoughts

It's gonna be my birthday on next tuesday (nov 4)! You can start giving me your gifts as early as now. Hahaha! Well, I just realized that as one gets older, you get to receive lesser gifts so I'm not really expecting. Even just a simple greeting would be fine already.

I miss being a kid and having those kiddie parties and opening lots of gifts. Oh well. I usually celebrate my birthday with a party at home and invite my friends over. I don't think I'll have a party this year. I'm just a bit busy and not really in the mood to party. Well, I did have dinner with some college friends the other day which is like a pre-birthday celebration already (more details about the dinner on another post). Maybe we'll just have poker with my org friends and probably dinner with some high school friends 0ne of these days.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Still under the weather

I still feel sick. I hate having colds. I hate feeling weak. My throat is starting to hurt. I think I'm having tonsilitis. I better gargle with warm water with salt. Oh well. I hope I get well soon since I've got tons of stuff to do and I need to be healthy to endure all of them. I just hope getting stronger is as easy as eating spinach just like popeye.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

busy as a bee

I’m sorry for not updating this blog lately. I’ve been a bit swamped with other non-blogging stuff lately and it looks like I would be busy until the end of November. Anyway, my mind’s going crazy from juggling stuff so I better take a break and give this blog some luvin’. I’ll just give you a quick peek of what’s in store for me for the coming days.

Oct 18: deliver 30 boxes of chocolates
Oct 23: Training at Angeles University (Topics: Office Productivity, Web Design)
Oct 24: Training at Angeles University (Topics: IT Project Management, Database Concepts)
Oct 25: Training at Angeles University (Topics: Desktop Publishing, Visual Basic)
Nov 3 – 5: Training at Mt. Carmel – Nueva Ecija (Topics: Office Productivity, Web Design, Video Production and Digital Photography for Beginners, Java Programming by Example)
Nov 6 - 7: Training at Mt. Carmel – Nueva Ecija (Topics: Tekkids 1-6)
Nov 8: Training at Tarlac Living Faith (Topics: Tekkids 1-6)
Nov 13: Training at St. Albert Pangasinan (Topics: Office Productivity, Web Design)
Nov 14: Training at St. Albert Pangasinan (Topics: Desktop Publishing, Database Concepts)
Nov 15: Training at St. Albert Pangasinan (Topics: IT Project Management, Video Production and Digital Photography for Beginners)

I barely have time to prepare for all these trainings. I hope I survive them all!

Sadly, I would be celebrating my birthday alone in Nueva Ecija...booooooo!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

can't fit

Buying online can really be quite addicting. I better learn to discipline myself before I get to abuse my credit card and paypal account. Anyway, I was browsing through some online shops and saw these MBT shoes which is said to be calorie-burning, muscle-toning, and posture-improving. I wonder how that works? That’s one thing I miss when online shopping – I can’t try out the stuff.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I love my Sony Vaio! Well, it took me awhile to fully adjust with the windows vista but after I got over the learning, it was a breeze already. I love it more than my Toshiba which was so freaking heavy and kept on conking out on me. Anyway, sometimes I wish for a smaller laptop which can easily fit a handbag, but then again, I’m happy with my Vaio already.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

protective software

Have you ever experienced a time when your computer crashed and you can’t retrieve your files anymore? That would be such a bummer and such a hassle. You would wish that you have a disaster recovery software which can restore all your data. For businesses, having these kinds of problems is really crucial and may spell disaster. It’s really suggested that you equip your business with software that would be of such great help. You might want to check out the products of Sysncort Incorporated. I think having protective software can somehow give you peace of mind that your data is safe and protected. Check out their site and avail of the free trial.

what to buy?

Me and my sweetie are recently having talks of buying a condo unit. It can be considered as an investment which we later on would sell or rent out to others. Or it can be considered as a place where we would eventually live. Well, we both would actually prefer living in a real house but we’re assessing our options and considering living in a condo. I hope we get to make the right decision.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

same time, next year

I hope I get to find a copy of the movie "same time, next year"

It's about a movie of two people who are married but not to each other who decides to meet at this certain special place on a specific weekend every year.

Quotable quote:
George: You always could see through me, couldn't you?
Doris: But that's okay, because... I've always loved what I've seen.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

big but beautiful

I saw an old friend recently. It’s always nice seeing old friends and catching up on each other’s lives. She was raving how blooming I was (despite the thought that I looked bigger since the last time I saw her). She was asking me what I did to achieve the look. Well, I guess being less stressed somehow gives one a more radiant look, plus being in love somehow contributes to a fresher and happier look. I’m just glad I don’t have to deal with acne and I seldom get the zit problem. I’m happy being big and beautiful. Hahaha! But of course I would love to get down to a healthier weight.

happy where i am

Honestly, I don’t see myself going back and getting a corporate job again. Well, I’m not entirely closing my doors but I’m just happy where I am now and being able to manage my own time and not locked inside the office for 8 hours or more. I can’t imagine doing an employment screening again, even if I think I can ace it. Hahaha! I love being my own boss. It’s all up to me. I love that I can stay at home, travel, do things that I want to do when I want to do them, and still earn money.