Friday, October 31, 2008

Birthday thoughts

It's gonna be my birthday on next tuesday (nov 4)! You can start giving me your gifts as early as now. Hahaha! Well, I just realized that as one gets older, you get to receive lesser gifts so I'm not really expecting. Even just a simple greeting would be fine already.

I miss being a kid and having those kiddie parties and opening lots of gifts. Oh well. I usually celebrate my birthday with a party at home and invite my friends over. I don't think I'll have a party this year. I'm just a bit busy and not really in the mood to party. Well, I did have dinner with some college friends the other day which is like a pre-birthday celebration already (more details about the dinner on another post). Maybe we'll just have poker with my org friends and probably dinner with some high school friends 0ne of these days.

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