Monday, February 11, 2008

getting an insurance

I have a friend who works in an insurance company. She has been offering me some insurance policy for the longest time. I guess I’ve been saying no because my parents got me one already. Several company has been calling me also saying that I won a certain trip to somewhere and that before I can claim it, I would need to listen to a 90 minute presentation which is usually some agent offering some insurance policy.

I know how important getting an insurance is. One should always be prepared of what tomorrow may bring. It’s hard facing a certain issue without having enough finances to support you. Now that I have thought more about it, I’m thinking of getting another insurance. I guess I just need to read more and talk to some agent so that I can weigh my options. That’s what I hated from those other agents. They wanted me to decide right there and then whether I would get their insurance or not. Of course I want to weigh my options first so that I would be able to get a great deal out of this. I know there are a lot of affordable insurance out there. I hope I do get the best deal out there.

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