Wednesday, February 27, 2008

UK Gift Company

The UK Gift Company carries with it the sense of loyalty and dedication to their customers. Their staff makes it a point to provide customers with the highest level of service. They make it a point as well to provide their ever loyal and also constantly increasing customers with the most unique and highest of quality merchandise. You should see the lilliput lane, their lladro collection, as well their willow tree. I am sure that after going through all what they have to offer, you would have a hard time choosing since you would mostly want to buy all.

This store has been around for ages already, 147 years actually. Would you believe that? That’s a really really long time! Considering that they are still in the business and actually going strong to say none the least, they must be doing something pretty right. It started as a traditional China and Glass Store. They actually specialize in Dinner and Tea Services.

I hope I can visit this store someday and to see for myself what makes this gift shop stay for this long. Well, thank goodness that they have already established an online store starting in May 2005. I can browse through their merchandise and order online already. How cool is that?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi jengkie,

wat is lilliput lane???is it a gift??