Saturday, May 12, 2007

Happy Mothers' Day!

Finally!!! I got to finish my very first LO (layout in scrappy terms! hehe! ...i'm such a newbie!). Now I get what they mean when one is in the scrapbooking zone. I didn't realize I was scrapbooking for more than 4 hours straight!

Anyway, this LO was (of course) inspired by mother's day. I'm glad I got to finish it just in time. I know I still got a lot to learn about scrapbooking and improve on techniques some more... I'm just enjoying it one LO at a time. I've already got a list of what to scrap next!

I just remember ...I made this mother's day poster for my mom when I was still in kindergarten (i think) ...and it said sumthin like: To the best mother in the whole word! Hahaha! I think my mom still keeps that work of art. Well, at least I got the spelling right this time!

Happy Mothers' Day, Mom! I love you!


Nita Ang said...

Your first LO? Not baaadd... love the stiching and paper cut-outs. Ewan ko kung sadya mo ano... but it's good what you did with the row of petite flowers na nakapila sa stitching mo. It balances the focal picture. Nice job, sistah!

jengkie said...

thanks, nita!

yep, it's my first one. i'm barely new pa lang tlaga ...i spend most of my time cutting designs from papers and making embellishments, and this is the first time i actually got around to making a complete LO.

It took me time nga to determine where to put those flowers and whether to bunch it up or just line em up. I'm happy nman with the outcome. =)