Monday, January 28, 2008

hair loss

I’m having hair problems. It’s been quite awhile since I’ve been having hair loss problems. You probably haven’t noticed it, but if you look closely, my hair is super thin already. I dread shampooing my hair or brushing it since it always end up that a lot of hair would end up in the drain or on my brush. I have tried hair fall prevention shampoos but I haven’t really found one that works. I really hope I can solve this problem. Some say it’s because of stress. Well, I used to think of that too, but I haven’t been stressed anymore lately so I wonder what’s still wrong. I’m trying to look for more reliable hair loss products and have been searching the internet for reviews and testimonials. I’ve came across provillus. Have you tried that? I’m trying to compare it with other products. Do you have a good provillus review? If you highly recommend it and have personal experience using it, just let me know. I’m really getting a little bit desperate about my hair problem. I don’t want to go bald! I love having long hair, but it really frustrates me when I see hair all over my bed, my brush, the comfort room. I hope I get to solve this hair problem pretty soon

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