Sunday, January 13, 2008

pursuing further studies

I’ve got a couple of batch mates who became teachers. It really is a noble job since. It may not pay as well as other corporate jobs but their contribution in the society and in the lives of their students is enough achievement that money can’t buy. Anyway, teachers now have good opportunities abroad in case they would want to earn more. Since my friends did not really graduate with a degree in education, they still need to take a couple of educational units to be eligible to teach abroad. I know they’ve got busy schedules so they’re having a hard time enrolling for further studies. It’s just a good thing that they can now enroll in an online school like capella university. They can pick their own schedule for their classes which they can take at the comfort of their homes. It would now be more hassle free for them to pursue further studies. Well, I wish them luck in their new endeavor.
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