Monday, July 30, 2007

Fun Sunday at UP

Sundays are usually devoted to spending time with my hunnie and his younger sisters. We'd usually go to Megamall to go skating, or bowling, or playing at Time zone. Sometimes we would window shop at Powerbooks or at Toy Kingdom. We'd usually cap it off with a dinner at Jollibee.

There are days when we'd just hang out at their house. We'd usually play some games like Poker (yep, they know how to play it already...oftentimes beating us too!), word factory, or charades. Sometimes the kids would prepare some dance number for us...sometimes even a puppet show! We'd also usually hear mass held at the nearby covered court. Come dinner time, the four of us usually help prepare dinner, which is usually spaghetti or home made pizza or fried chicken with home made mojos. On lazy days, we'd just order from Pizza Hut or Jollibee and eat while watching Going Bulilit.

getting the stuck kite from the tree

A few sundays back was a little unique from our usual sundays. I suggested we spend it at UP Diliman since there are a lot of activities you can do there. I brought along a pair of badminton racket, frisbee, and a kite! His sisters were excited!

We first played frisbee at the sunken garden. We sucked a little during our first tries and mostly spent our time picking up the frisbee since we couldn't catch it. In fairness, it was tiring and we got really sweaty. We then played a little badminton, which I'm really not good at. I tried a few strokes then just gave it up and just decided to prepare our kite. It turns out, it's the first time my hunnie will be able to fly a kite! We all had fun taking turns flying the kite. Since there wasn't much wind, we had to run to keep it high in the sky. The kite actually got stuck to some tree branches good thing we were still able to retrieve it.

who can run faster?

It was really fun playing at the sunken garden. I felt a little nostalgic and missed my alma mater. I love walking there with all those big trees hovering over you. It's great that they made sunday as car-less oval day. You can jog around or bike freely around the oval. We vowed to bring a bike the next time we go there.

I toured them a little and showed them my college. A lot of memories flash backed seeing our building. I can still remember when my hunnie would fetch me after my classes.

In front of my college

I also brought them to the lagoon. The girls are too young for me to share to them all the tales I've heard about that place. Hehe! They had fun crossing the wooden planks to cross the lagoon and the little girls even played with the vines of the rubber trees.

at the lagoon

playing with the vines of the rubber tree...
tarzan is that you?

It was such a fun sunday. We'll definitely be back soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i miss UP. kaso lang, wala akong pics sa lagoon. =(

sa sunken garden lang. gabi pa! hehehe. sa UP fair! :p

salamat pala sa email lalo na sa attachment! :)