Friday, October 12, 2007

online academic library

My best friends Andrea and Ramil are both teachers. I love hearing their school stories and adventures as a teacher whenever we meet up and catch up on each other’s lives. Teaching is really a noble profession. It is not an easy feat. You always need to be prepared for your class especially if you have witty students who almost ask about everything. Good thing there is the internet, the gateway to loads of information. They always make it a point to read a lot of books and articles related to what they’re teaching. They can browse through Over 5,000 FREE Books at Questia’s online academic library. Having this virtual library is really cool! No need to keep those heavy books which just accumulates dust in your book shelves. Questia is really a great resource pool for information. You can almost find everything here. Of course having these materials easily available online doesn’t become an excuse for students to just copy and paste assignments from these sites. That’s plagiarism. They still encourage their students to read and understand their lessons. They’ve had experiences wherein students just hand over home works wherein it was so obvious that they were just copy pasted. They even checked it online and it was exactly the same from the first result given by Google.

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