Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Just sharing

I just read this from Ena's blog and thought of sharing it to you as well...

BILL OF RIGHTS by Virginia Satir

1. I do not have to feel guilty just because someone else does not like what I do, say, think, or feel.

2. It is O.K. for me to feel angry and to express it in responsible ways.

3. I do not have to assume full responsibility for making decisions, particularly where others share responsibility for making the decisions.

4. I have the right to say "I don't understand" without feeling stupid or guilty.

5. I have the right to say "I don't know."

6. I have the right to say NO without feeling guilty.

7. I do not have to apologize or give reasons when i say NO.

8. I have the right to ask others to do things for me.

9. I have the right to refuse requests which others make of me.

10. I have the right to tell others when I think they are manipulating, conning, or treating me unfairly.

11. I have the right to refuse additional responsibilities without feeling guilty.

12. I have the right to tell others when their behavior annoys me.

13. I do not have to compromise my personal integrity.

14. I have the right to make mistakes and to be responsible for them. I have the right to be wrong.

15. I do not have to be liked, admired, or respected by everyone for everything I do.

A simple reminder for me. and for others out there.

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