Friday, March 9, 2007

Guitarist (long post part 5)

There was this (very) short period of time way back in high school when I imagined having my own band. It was probably brought about by the sudden rise of bands at that time (Eheads, Parokya, and the likes) We were actually able to put up a band back in high school (a very amateurish one) which only got to perform once (for the SAMAPI concert) ...thus being Time After Time as our national anthem.

CIEM allowed me to pursue playing the guitar more. We had this CIEM band wherein I play either rhythm or bass. We would play during freshmen orientation or org activities. I can still remember when my bedroom was transformed into a band practice room…complete with drum set and amps. Good thing we didn’t get any complaints from our neighbors

Come to think of it, I do miss playing the guitar. It’s been years since I last played. Too bad my guitar has this very big crack at the back already. =(

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