Wednesday, September 19, 2007

getting a car

My hubby and I went to the mall last weekend. We’d usually just go window shopping and just buying the necessities. Besides those close to annoying sales people who kept on handing out those fliers about some condo or town house, one of the things that caught our attention was the car displayed at the middle of the hall. It looked really pretty! It’s actually an Aveo. My best friends were supposed to buy one and were really raving about the car, but they had to save their money for their little boy since she was pregnant at that time.

Their booth was entertaining inquiries about the payment schemes and even can also give you a car insurance quote. The insurance part is very important thing to consider related to buying a car. Specially that I’m not confident with my driving skills, I need some assurance that I’m in good hands no matter what happens. We’d certainly need a car insurance with very wide coverage. There are varying auto insurance rates depending on your needs. There is even teen car insurance available already. I hope we get a good deal when we finally get to buy a car. Oh well. It’s not really a priority now since before that, we still need to consider the wedding and the house.

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