Thursday, August 16, 2007


Have you heard of blogging for money? I’m sure you’ve read some of my paid posts. Well, it’s fairly easy. All one has got to do is write up about the site of the advertiser, making sure that the post has a link to the site. It’s as easy as that! And for that, you get paid by advertisers. It’s really cool to get paid for blogging. With these kinds of opportunities, writing has become more fun since you get to earn from it! I know a lot of friends who are into it already. You can try it out yourself. Wouldn’t you want to earn extra income? Well, here’s the answer: get paid to blog! There are a lot who are into blog advertising. Come join the fun! Smorty, which connects advertisers with bloggers, is one cool site you can join if you are interested. Topics will be provided to you with corresponding amount of payment. You can just either accept or reject it. Anyway, if any of you are interested, just give me a buzz and I wouldn’t mind teaching more about this great opportunity

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